Using Body Language to Influence People

When first establishing relationships, whether in the workplace, a social gathering or other meeting place, body language is of the utmost importance.

When you know what different body language signs mean, using them at the appropriate time and place can be very much to your advantage. Body language works both ways. Your own body language exposes your emotions and disposition to others, while other peoples’ body language reveals theirs to you. In order to influence other people in a positive manner it is necessary to appear confident and friendly.

Body Language is comprised of gestures, facial expressions, movement and eye contact. The way we talk and walk and even how we sit or stand all convey a signal about our temperament to the other person or persons. Making the body as large as possible shows confidence, as when we stand with hands on hips and elbows out at the sides. Eye contact and a genuine smile convey friendliness. It is no coincidence that body language that I have described here is also used widely in effective speaking. First impressions are those by which a person will remember you. A limp handshake, a lack of eye contact and a bent posture will never leave a good impression, only one of lack of confidence and low self esteem.

Body language is also used at a subconscious level when we are completely unaware of it. This can be a disadvantage to someone who is suffering from low self esteem and a lack of confidence. Such an individual needs first of all to take stock of themselves and adjust their life in order to convey a more positive attitude. If you find yourself in a situation where you are up against someone who is smarter and more knowledgeable about a specific subject, you can still make a favourable impression by controlling your body language. Don’t disclose your anxiety by your posture. Rather, because we are naturally attracted to people just like ourselves, adjust your posture and gestures to complement the other person’s.

In summary, body language is a vital part of communications and relationships, and is relevant both in the workplace and anywhere where people gather together to communicate. It is also a fundamental element in both personal relationships and in the family. Work Your Wealth runs a series of workshops in which we will guide you in the use of body language.