Understanding Communication Skills

The skill of good communication is extremely important, for bad communication is the cause of a high percentage of marriage break-ups, arguments, job losses and even wars. The whole object of communication is to get your idea across to the other party,

whether an individual or a group of people, in a simple, clear and instantly recognizable way. For this to happen both the sender of the message and the receiver have to be on the same wavelength.

This is too often where problems arise, for if the idea you are trying to get across is misconstrued it can be the cause of misunderstanding and uncertainty. As a result your efforts can be completely wasted.

When you do manage to get your ideas across successfully and the other party has fully understood your message, the result is often a short cut to achieving your goals. More and more importance is being placed on good communication skills by companies as a crucial issue in choosing managers or team leaders. In this case they include both written and oral presentations as well as the ability to work alongside and get along with others.

In spite of this many individuals struggle with being able to communicate successfully or effectively, making it virtually unfeasible for them to compete fruitfully with others in their place of work and thus hindering the possibility of bettering their career.  Communication is more than an exchange of information. It is not just the words you use but includes a great deal more. A speech read from a piece of paper is usually boring and leaves an audience indifferent and without enthusiasm, whereas one memorised with maybe just a few cue cards and delivered with eye contact and gestures will keep an audience on their toes and interested.

Obtaining good communication skills will not come to you overnight, but with plenty of practice and effort your skills will become more effective and automatic. Effective communication is an essential ingredient that will help you to get better solidarity with others in the work place, will place you in a better position for promotion at work, and will even help you to get across difficult or otherwise depressing messages.

There are a number of ways in which you can improve your communication skills. Work Your Wealth runs a regular series of workshops that have been designed to help you to understand communication skills better.