The Two Mindsets that Affect our Lives

Every individual on the planet has a State of Mind, and it can be in one of two opposing compositions. That state of mind or Mindset is either positive or negative, or to put it another way, fixed or growth oriented.

The way that you use your mindset affects every aspect of your life, and because of this it is of the utmost importance that you know what your mindset is and how to control and use it for the most advantageous outcome.

Your mindset has been shaped over the years by your personal surroundings at home, at school, at college and in the workplace.

When people have looked down upon you, treated you as though you are a nobody or bullied you, their actions have a negative effect on your mindset, leaving you with a low self esteem. The net result is that you are unable to escape from the lack of confidence that envelops you. Such individuals find themselves stuck in a rut and often lack the ability or willpower to escape from it.

People with a growth or positive Mindset have a passion for learning and for self betterment. They are eager to set goals and to achieve them. They are convinced that traits such as aptitude and resourcefulness as well as personal relationships such as friendliness and love can be developed by using conscious effort. Such individuals are not even discouraged by failure, for they see that as yet another challenge.

In order to take control of your life and of your future it is fundamental and crucial that you start off by getting yourself into a positive frame of mind. Only then will you have the willpower to make goals and be able to set about achieving them. When you have the strength of character to alter your fundamental beliefs in yourself, whether conscious of subconscious, it can have an overwhelming influence on most aspects of your life.

Examine your frame of mind carefully. If you have a certain negativity about yourself – if you feel unloved or unworthy, or if you find yourself continually comparing yourself to others, whether they be family, friends or co-workers, then you are suffering from low self esteem, and this goes hand in hand with a negative mindset. Work Your Wealth run a series of clinics and seminars that have been specifically planned to assist individuals such as yourself.