Life Directions

If you are really keen and very committed to discovering your life destiny, it is time for you to discover your unique path. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have all the success in the world, everything just seems to go their way, somehow everything just always works out for them?

In fact success seems to follow them; it often seems that success comes so effortlessly to them. On the other hand there is the majority that seem to have an ongoing struggle to survive, let alone achieve their goals or reap the success they strive for….. So much so it almost seems like life is very unfair, in fact lots of people will actually say life is simply not fair, they even believe this to be the case!

The good news is this is not the case! Life is very fair and there is an equal opportunity for everybody, we just have to look at things differently!

There are a number of very good reasons why some have so much success, and other battle to survive, let alone have the success they dream of!

None of these reasons are that the universe favours some and not others, this is very far from the truth, it simply means that some think differently, and therefore behave differently!

In this particular site, the main focus is life directions as a corner stone to success.

Very successful people know where they are going with their lives, their life direction is crystal clear, and they are on course with their destiny.

Life direction and purpose is the fuel that keeps us going, as you might have read somewhere, it is a fact that a space ship uses more fuel at the time of take off than the rest of the journey.

The same principal applies to our lives, whatever our goal might be, there is a lot of energy required to create the take off momentum, life direction plays a major part in this required take off energy!

It is really no different to getting in our cars and starting to drive with no idea where we are going, at best we will have a hopefully pleasant drive, but certainly won’t arrive at a specific destination without clarity of where we are going!
Our lives are no different, to get the required result, we need clarity on what it is we want and what we are looking for!

Life direction and life purpose give meaning to our lives and we all, at some level, strive towards meaning and purpose.

Direction in life becomes the “fuel” firstly to create the take-off momentum and secondly to keep going.

Before we place too much effort into achieving success in our lives, we need to first embark on the journey of inner discovery to discover our true passion and destiny, once we have uncovered our own unique path, success will follow naturally and effortlessly!

Sadly way too many people are not living their lives, but somebody else’s life! Most people at some point go into a career based on income, not knowing what they really want, and they end up in some career that will lead them nowhere as it is simply not on course!

Young people often end up in careers and taking up study direction based on what parents want, based on what parents think will be great for their kids, or relatives or school teachers…… This direction could very well be an ongoing maze with endless routes all leading nowhere! Simply as it is not yours!

We all know we can’t live somebody else’s life, yet in practice the majority do exactly that! Some might even think the right “thing” will come up sooner or later…..

Unfortunately we often get so caught up with survival due to the fact that we are not on course, everything is a battle and struggle it is hard to see the right “thing” when it does come up. In the battle of survival we simply don’t recognize the real “thing”, this then becomes an ongoing struggle to survive that requires more and more energy to keep on with the struggle to survive and the chances to spot or create the right “thing” becomes less and less and each day passes!

There is no doubt in my mind there is a purpose to each and everybody’s life, and equally nobody is living due to chance. This being said it is also a fact that the majority of people at some point in time look at their life and realise there is neither purpose nor real fulfilment!

I have no doubt that the overwhelming majority of people’s biggest regret is not achieving their destiny, not having lived the fullest possible life

So how does one find your life purpose, how does a person know that they are on course with their destiny?

Simply a journey of inner discovery before one gives up on success and results, as success and results are the outcome of being on course with destiny. If nothing else, take this idea away from this site – Your success is dependent on whether or not you are on course with your biggest life…. Your destiny!