Millionaire Mind

The Millionaire Mind will change your life

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The Millionaire Mind is a powerful two day workshop that teaches money mind-set mastery and neural linguistic programming techniques that will help you open your thinking to a whole new range of possibilities.

  • Learn to see an opportunity before anyone else does and how to capitalise on it.
  • Break open your mental shell and expose creative, positive, skilful, talented, successful behaviour.
  • Identify and overcome negative thinking that delivers unwanted outcomes.
  • Learn to enhance your positive thinking, mental energy and confidence.
  • Open yourself to a complete wealth development and financial re-education mind-set.
  • Learn advanced systems for drastically improving your financial outlook on life.


  • All people have been exposed to loads of information over extended period of time in many different forms that form “limiting beliefs” or otherwise known as “programming” or even “conditioning” at a sub conscious level, so much so, that these “limiting belief” forms basis and foundation of their primary thoughts.  
  • One needs to also clearly understand our sub conscious play a fundamental role in our reality in as far as finances, success, love, relationships, in fact in all areas of our reality and life.
  • The hard part is to understand what our sub conscious programming is set for… Needless to say our reality is a very good indication of nature of programming! The further good news is we can change and overcome our programming and limiting beliefs, and this is exactly what our Millionaire Mind Summit have been designed to do…a] create awareness of each delegates unique limiting beliefs b] empower delegates with knowledge, tools and skills to overcome such programming.
  • 80% of success in strives to change financial realities lies in correct mind-set, and a mere 20% lies in actual tool, hence the 3 three day Millionaire Mind Summit has been designed as a journey of inner discovery.